Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Life a Journey

Life is a word which we use very often and very closely linked to everyone but yet everyone has his own view to look at it. For some it may be very good but for others it may be bad. Just like a journey which carries in itself different experiences for all those who dare to experience it. For a person journey starts the day a person takes birth and then it goes through his entire lifetime and ends up only after his death.

A word journey in itself contains the entire universe and when it gets associated with word life then its meaning goes beyond the universe. Life is like a flower when it blossoms gives happiness and joy to all and make life colourful and beautiful and sprinkles very fresh and sweet fragnance everywhere and when this flower starts drying up sprinkle sadness and dullness around it.

But to some extent it depends upon the person and his destiny that makes his journey of life good or bad. Focus should be to direct all the efforts towards making this journey of life colourful and beautiful just like fresh roses which gives everybody happiness and joy.

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