Thursday, March 24, 2011

Fear To Face Reality

Sometimes, when I am sitting alone in my room, lost in emptiness, I wonder like many others why do i fear to face reality?? Why am I not willing to accept reality?? Am I the only one or are we all the same??? Why don’t I act and do something??? I fool myself by telling myself that’s it fate...their fate....but I know the truth....even if I can do something....I wont...coz I fear reality....

Few days back while talking to a friend about this fear fact my condition is like "i know all" but don't have solution. I know I lie to myself frm so many years. When I was a teenager I was afraid that everybody would think that wat I was (after an accident). I needed desperately to hide myself. I developed a strong imagination that would help me invent what I didn't know. I started believing in that world of imagination. I kept trying on different masks to see which is the most comfortable, which affords me the most protection from exposure.Let's talk about fear. Whatever we fear controls us. Fear, if not confronted, prevents us from truly living. Fear is like a prison.

On some level we are all facing fear - afraid of being seen for who we truly are. Afraid of seeing ourselves for whom we really are. Afraid of confronting our limiting beliefs, we avoid facing fear by hiding.We run away thinking we can avoid our reality, but what we don’t realize is nothing ever goes away until it has taught us what we need to know. We can lie to ourselves or run all we want. we must accept suffering and open our hearts to look at how weak we are being by trying to avoid it. Only then can we discover that the very thing that terrifies us is in fact a way for us to reconnect with our true self. 

As I explored this new idea of "facing fear", I realized that I was actually very scared; I had created this perception of myself It was a fear of how I'd be perceived. And the reality i have found is... nobody is paying attention and no one is judging me. It was simply my fear, the old acronym, "False Evidence Appearing Real". By committing to facing fear and growing, I've learned so much about the other person and about myself. Facing fear will open new possibilities, for this i have to be brave enough to step outside of my comfort zone.